Interest for different Compounding Periods

Financial Mathematics → Interest → Simple Interest → Compound Interest → Varying Interest Rate → Interest for different Compounding Periods Financial Institutions often pay or charge interest more than a single time per year. For example, monthly, quarterly, weekly etc. If the sum of C is invested for a term h at time t. Then the accumulated sum at t+h […]

Varying Interest Rate

Financial Mathematics → Interest → Simple Interest → Compound Interest → Varying Interest Rate If we have varying interest rates. Like, interest rate is changing over the years, then we have For example, if the annual interest rate for Year-1 is 10% Year-2 is 15% Year-3 is 15% Year-4 is 20% Year-5 is 20% Year-6 is 20% Then the […]

Compound Interest

Financial Mathematics → Interest → Simple Interest → Compound Interest In practice, interest is allowed to earn interest itself. When interest earns interest itself, it is called “compound interest”. So, we always use compound interest formula in financial calculations. The simple interest formula is The total amount after 1 year (n=1) is Now, in compound interest, the interest […]

What is Stochastic Differential Equation?

Consider the continuous compound interest formula Where is the total amount after time when the amount was invested at time 0 at an interest rate . So, is the rate of change of , i.e. Thus, the differential equation for this change is given as or Where represents change in the amount and represents change […]

C Plus Plus Loops

C++ → Basics → Input in C++ → Conditions → Loops Loops are used to repeat a section of your program for a certain number of times or the repetition continuous until a certain condition remains true. When the condition becomes false, the loop stops and the program follows the following statements of the program. […]

Conditions in C++

C++ → Basics → Arithmetical Operations → Input in C++ → Conditions and Decision in C++ Decisions in C++ can be made in several ways. The basic conditions to make simple decisions are: If / else conditions, and The switch statement Before we learn the construction of these two conditional statements, we should be familiar with […]

C Plus Plus Classes

C++ → Basics → Input → Arithmetic → Conditions → Loops → Array → Functions → Random Numbers → Classes and Objects → Operator Overloading → More on Classes and Objects In the previous sections we have learned basics of classes & objects and operator overloading. Now, we are going to make a simple class to obtain the area of a […]

Operator Overloading

C++ → Basics → Input → Arithmetic → Conditions → Loops → Array → Functions → Random Numbers → Classes and Objects → Operator Overloading The operator overloading means giving the normal C++ operators, such as +, -, *, /, >, < normal meaning. Or more simple, we can use these operators for our private variables in the class. Operator […]

Classes and Objects

C++ → Basics → Input → Arithmetic → Conditions → Loops → Array → Functions → Random Numbers → Fibonacci sequence → Classes and Objects The classes and objects in C++ Construction and Examples. Classes in C++ enables us to write large programs. In classes variables are private which are accessible through public functions. Classes and Objects: Construction class Name […]

Fibonacci Sequence Function

C++ → Basics → Input → Arithmetic → Conditions → Loops → Array → Functions → Random Numbers → Fibonacci sequence → Fibonacci sequence using function and if/else condition The following programs will generate Fibonacci sequence using functions and if else conditions. And after that there is a C++ program that generates first 20 numbers of Fibonacci Sequence, and then […]