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FPSC Assistant Director (NAB) Test → NAB Ordinance MCQs Test Questions
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26. Any fine or other sum due under NAB Ordinance, shall be recoverable as arrears of
(A) land revenue
(B) custom charges
(C) direct taxation
(D) indirect taxation
27. Who can make rules for carrying out the purposes of NAB Ordinance?
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Federal Cabinet
(C) Chairman NAB
(D) Chairman NAB with the approval of the President
28. Who can amend or repeal the NAB Ordinance?
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Federal Cabinet
(D) Parliament
29. Which Section of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with “Appeal and Revision”?
(A) Section 12
(B) Section 22
(C) Section 32
(D) Section 42
30. Any aggrieved party can file an appeal within _____ days of the final judgement.
(A) 5
(B) 10
(C) 20
(D) 30
26. (A) land revenue
27. (D) Chairman NAB with the approval of the President
28. (D) Parliament
29. (C) Section 32
30. (B) 10