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FPSC Assistant Director (NAB) Test → NAB Ordinance Multiple Choice Questions
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16. In case chairman and deputy chairman NAB are absent or unable to perform their duties, the chairman NAB can authorize _____ to act as chairman NAB.
(A) attorney journal of Pakistan
(B) chief justice of the High Court concerned
(C) any officer of scale 19 or above
(D) any officer of the NAB
17. The chairman NAB has to submit the annual report to the president before _____ each year.
(A) 31 January
(B) 31 March
(C) 31 October
(D) 31 December
18. Which Act was repealed by the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999?
(A) Ehtesab Act, 1997
(B) Ehtesab Act, 1998
(C) Penal Code. 1887
(D) No Act was repealed
19. In case of any difficulty arises in functioning under NAB ordinance, who can make orders consistent with the ordinance to remove that difficulty?
(A) President of Pakistan
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Chairman NAB himself
(D) Chairman NAB with the approval of the President
20. Which Section of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with “Punishment for corruption and Corrupt Practices”?
(A) Section 1
(B) Section 5
(C) Section 10
(D) Section 15
16. (D) any officer of the NAB
17. (B) 31 March
18. (A) Ehtesab Act, 1997
19. (D) Chairman NAB with the approval of the President
20. (C) Section 10