Corruption and Governance System in Pakistan

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How corruption elimination strategy be made part of the Governance System?

Corruption, in Pakistan, is the root of enormous economic ills. Various plans, policies and mechanisms have been devised to eliminate it yet; the desired results remain a far cry. In the contemporary scenario, an effective corruption elimination strategy can be made part of governance system by reforming anti-corruption laws, empowering anti-graft institutions and preventing the factors which safeguard corruption and the corrupt.

What is Corruption?
Corruption is commonly understood in economic terms. It refers to financial malpractices. An individual is referred as corrupt when he gets himself engaged in stealing public money in one way or other.

What is Corruption Elimination Strategy?
Corruption Elimination Strategy refers to the mechanisms which devise ways to root out various shapes of corruption.

Corruption Elimination Strategy as Part of Governance System
Corruption elimination strategy can be made part of governance system in following ways:

Reforming Anti-Corruption Laws
Anti-corruption laws are not up to date. The loopholes in such laws like plea bargain become a major hindrance in eliminating corruption. Nations like China which has successfully rooted corruption out made it possible be drafting better anti-corruption laws backed by strict punishments and their proper implementation.

Empowering Anti-Graft Laws
Laws are fundamentally words and sentences. They do not carry any weight unless empowered by legitimate authority and implemented through force. In Pakistan’s governance system, laws are molded and compromised according to the desires of the corrupt elite. Such a reality weakens law instead of empowering it. A weak anti-corruption law cannot eliminate this menace.

Preventing Factors which Safeguard Corruption
In Pakistan, corrupt mafia is often the largest and the most powerful part of the government. This makes the giant hurdle in fight against corruption. The corrupt individuals occupying various influential positions help in protecting each other by using various political tactics. Such factors need to be prevented in order to make corruption elimination strategy as part of governance.

Moral Counseling of the Government Officials
In Pakistan, a vast majority of government officials including bureaucrats, politicians and military-men are among the corrupt individuals. This reflects lack in their professional and moral training. There is always need for moral counseling of officials to keep them away from corruption. Without their proper training to avoid the lust for earning undue money, corruption elimination strategy cannot succeed.

De-politicizing Anti-Corruption Departments
Anti-corruption departments at all the levels of country must be de-politicized in order to make corruption elimination strategy as part of the governance system. Unethical and undue interference by political elite in protecting the corrupt mafia hampers the progress towards ensuring transparency.

Corruption is no easy problem to deal with. It needs long term elimination strategy to be incorporated in governance system. This can be made possible by empowering anti-corruption laws and departments without letting any political elite safeguarding this menace.

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