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English Notes → A Visit to a Small Planet Questions
2. How does the playwright expose the inferiority of the present race to that of the future?
The playwright exposes the inferiority of the present race to that of the future in various ways. The present race is still in initial stages of development scientifically and technologically. They have still a long way to go to utilize their true potential and latent abilities. Presently, they are suffering from hatred, hostility, racism, terrorism and sectarianism. They are intolerant and selfish. In future, they may get rid of all these ills. They will progress scientifically and technologically.
3. Describe the arrival of the flying saucer in your own words?
The arrival of the flying saucer was very sensational and excited event. Mr. Spelding was shouting at his family to beware of it. Mrs. Spelding suggested to take shelter in the basement. Ellen was worried about John who ran outside to watch the landing of the space ship.
4. Compare and contrast the people of the two planets?
The people of the two planets are vastly different. The civilization of Kreton is so much advanced that the people of the Earth cannot compete with them. They are advanced scientifically and technologically. They can fly spaceships without instruments. The Earth people cannot do that. They can speak all languages of the world. The Earth people cannot do that. They do not die while the Earth people die. They can control their feelings. The Earth people cannot do that. The Earth people are full of hatred, enmity and selfishness against one another while the people of Kreton are free from such evils.
— Heat Lightening
— The Oyster and the Pearl