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FPSC Botany Lecturer Test → Sample Paper
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21. Chlamydomonas and Volvox are similar because
(A) they both are motile
(B) they are members of the Chlorophyta
(C) both (a) and (b)
(D) none of these
22. Elaters of Marchantia are
(A) haploid
(B) diploid
(C) triploid
(D) polyploid
23. The number of spores produced in fern sporangium is
(A) 32
(B) 16
(C) 72
(D) 64
24. In seed plants, which part of a pollen grain has a function most like that of the seed coat
(A) sporopollenin
(B) male gametophyte
(C) sporophyll
(D) stigma
25. Rubisco content of choroplast is
(A) 20%
(B) 16%
(C) 25%
(D) 50%
26. An ecosystem must have a continuous external source of
(A) energy
(B) food
(C) minerals
(D) all of these
27. Which of the following is associated with the structure of Golgi complex
(A) cristae
(B) cisternae
(C) tonoplast
(D) none of these
28. When alleles of two contrasting characters are present together, one of the character express and the other remains hidden.This is the
(A) law of purity of gametes
(B) law of segregation
(C) law of independent assortment
(D) law of dominance
29. Coacervates were experimentally produced by
(A) Fischer and Huxley
(B) Sidney Fox and Oparin
(C) Urey and Miller
(D) Jacob and Monod
30. The amount of phagocytosis done by the Plasmodium
(A) is greater than by the water mold mycelium
(B) is lesser than by the water mold mycelium
(C) is equal to by the water mold mycelium
(D) none of the these
21(C) 22(B) 23(D) 24(A) 25(B)
26(A) 27(B) 28(C) 29(B) 30(A)