Zoology Lecturer Test Sample Paper

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FPSC Zoology Lecturer Test → Sample Paper

Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

41. The adaptive radiation of the mammals occurred during the
(A) triassic
(B) jurassic
(C) cretaceous
(D) cenozoic

42. To facilitate cutaneous respiration, the skin of amphibians is
(A) moist and covered with scales
(B) moist and richly vascularized
(C) dry and richly vascularized
(D) dry and covered with scales

43. The kidneys of amphibians are
(A) pronephric
(B) metanephric
(C) mesonephric
(D) anephric

44. Members of the order ________ often produce spermatophores
(A) urodela
(B) gymnophiona
(C) apoda
(D) anura

45. A dihybrid condition is
(A) segregation
(B) dominance
(C) independent assortment
(D) polygenic inheritance

46. Torsion is a process that rotates the _________ of the body of gastropods
(A) surface
(B) mantle
(C) viscera
(D) none of these

47. The total output of photosynthesis, including the organic matter used up in respiration during the period of measurement, is called
(A) net primary productivity
(B) gross primary productivity
(C) net community productivity
(D) secondary productivity

48. In the animal kingdom, several degree of Interspecific interactions can be recognized. Which one of the following is true for protocooperation interactions
(A) both partners gain but neither can survive without the other
(B) one of the species is harmed by the relationship
(C) presence of one species appears to have no effect on a second species
(D) both partners gain, though each is able to survive separately

49. Which of the following concepts is attributed to Lamarck
(A) inheritance of acquired characters
(B) survival of the fittest
(C) struggle for existence
(D) none of these

50. Goitre is caused by
(A) excess secretion of thyroxin
(B) deficiency of iodine
(C) over eating
(D) deficiency of growth hormone

41(D) 42(B) 43(C) 44(A) 45(D)
46(C) 47(B) 48(D) 49(A) 50(B)