Functions of FBR MCQs Test Questions with Answers

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Functions of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Test with Answers. FBR Act 2007 MCQs including questions from past FBR test papers.

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Functions of FBR MCQs

Q. To achieve objects and purposes of the FBR Act, who is empowered to implement tax administration reforms?
(B) State Bank
(C) Prime Minister
(D) Federal Government

The answer is: (A) FBR ☑

Q. FBR shall provide a financial report to the Federal Government
(A) monthly
(B) annually
(C) after every three years
(D) after every five years

The answer is: (B) annually ☑

Q. “SROs” means _________ rules and orders.
(A) standard
(B) superior
(C) stipulated
(D) statutory

The answer is: (D) statutory ☑

Q. Who is empowered to make rules for the purposes of FBR Act?
(B) State Bank
(C) Prime Minister
(D) Federal Government

The answer is: (D) Federal Government ☑

Q. Who is empowered to make regulations for the administration of the FBR Act?
(B) State Bank
(C) Prime Minister
(D) Federal Government

The answer is: (A) FBR ☑

Q. Which from the following is the direct responsibility of chairman FBR?
(A) All matter relating to administrative control
(B) All legal issues pertaining to the jurisdiction
(C) Quasi-judicial function of hearing of appeals
(D) Generation of revenue within jurisdiction

The answer is: (C) Quasi-judicial function of hearing of appeals ☑

Q. Which from the following is NOT the responsibility of Chief Commissioners LTUs?
(A) Enforcement/collection of revenue
(B) Facilitation of Taxpayer
(C) Generation of revenue within jurisdiction
(D) Interaction with the concerned ministries

The answer is: (D) Interaction with the concerned ministries ☑

Q. Which from the following is the responsibility of Chief Commissioners LTUs?
(A) All matter relating to administrative control
(B) Generation of revenue within jurisdiction
(C) All legal issues pertaining to the jurisdiction
(D) All of the above

The answer is: (D) All of the above ☑

Functions of FBR MCQs

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