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FPSC Inspector Customs/ Intelligence Officer Test → FPSC Inspector Customs/ Intelligence Officer Test Past Papers Questions from 6 to 10.
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6. Choose the correct voice of “Do they respect their elders?”
(A) Their elders are respected by them.
(B) Are their elders respected by them?
(C) Are their elders respect them?
(D) None of these
7. Change the narration. Ali said, “The Earth moves round the Sun.”
(A) Ali said that the Earth moves round the Sun.
(B) Ali said that the Earth moved round the Sun.
(C) Ali said that the Earth move round the Sun.
(D) None of these
8. Maryam’s mother was delighted when she showed her the exam result. What type of sentence is this?
(A) simple
(B) compound
(C) complex
(D) none of these
9. Salma went to the park, but Aslam stayed at home. What type of sentence is this?
(A) simple
(B) compound
(C) complex
(D) none of these
10. Ali _____ New Zealand next year.
(A) go
(B) will go
(C) is going
(D) is going to
6. (B) Are their elders respected by them?
7. (A) Ali said that the Earth moves round the Sun.
8. (C) complex
9. (B) compound
10. (D) is going to. Next: Questions 11–15