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Inspector ASF Test Preparation Material → ASF Test Past Papers Solved Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Sample Questions with Answers from 6 to 10.
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6. World’s which region was declared “free of wild polio” on 25 August 2020?
(A) Africa
(B) North Africa
(C) Nigeria
(D) DR Congo
7. Which country is world’s largest producer of “Palm Oil” ?
(A) Turkey
(B) Nigeria
(C) Malaysia
(D) Indonesia
8. Who is one of the greatest investors in the world?
(A) Bill Gates
(B) Elon Musk
(C) Warren Buffet
(D) Mark Zuckerberg
9. The Israel-UAE peace agreement is also known as _______ Accord.
(A) Abraham
(B) Jacob
(C) Peace & Progress
(D) Acceptance & Forward
10. “Line of Actual Control” is a disputed border-line between
(A) China and Pakistan
(B) China and India
(C) India and Pakistan
(D) China, India, and Nepal
6. (A) Africa
7. (D) Indonesia
8. (C) Warren Buffet
9. (A) Abraham
10. (B) China and India. Next: ASF Test Questions 11–15