The Gift of the Magi Questions Answers

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English Notes →  The Gift of the Magi Questions Answers

Long textual questions and answers.

1. How did the Magi want to celebrate their Christmas?
The Magi wanted to celebrate Christmas by presenting gifts. This exchange of gifts on the holy occasions makes life most lovable. They were wise people and their gifts were also wise. Therefore, those who exchange gifts are wise like the Magi.

2. How much were they attached to each other in the story?
They were deeply attached to each other in the story. They had great love and respect for each other. They were so poor that they could not buy gifts to celebrate Christmas. At last, they decided to sell their beautiful valuable things to earn money to buy gifts for each other.

3. Why did they sell their beautiful valuable things?
They were so poor that they could not buy gifts to celebrate Christmas. They were in a helpless condition. At last, they decided to sell their beautiful valuable things to earn money to buy gifts for each other. It was a sign of great love and sacrifice for each other. Though their gifts were humble yet they seemed to contain all the wealth into them.

4. Describe the story in your own words.
Della and Jim had great love for each other. They were so poor that they could not buy gifts to celebrate Christmas.Della sold her beautiful hair to buy gold watch chain for Jim while Jim sold his valuable watch to buy combs for Della. They sacrificed for each other and won hearts of each other.

5. What is the moral of the story?
The moral of the story is that exchange of gifts on the holy occasions makes life most lovable. It also teaches the moral lesson that the spirit of sacrifice for one another creates feelings of respect and affection. It is the greatest virtue to sacrifice for others.

Short Questions