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English Notes → The Dying Sun
by Sir James Jeans
1. How is it that a star seldom finds another star near it?
It is very interesting and surprising that a star seldom finds another star near it. There is a distance of millions of miles between one star and the other. The universe is so vast that they cannot hit one another. They continue their journey in loneliness.
2. What happened when, according to Sir James Jeans, a wandering star, wandering through space, came near the sun?
A star was wandering in the space blindly. A rare incident took place. By chance, it came near the sun. It raised tides on the surface of the sun. Then these tides formed a huge mountain on the surface of the sun. This mountain was unimaginable in size.
3. What happened when the wandering star came nearer and nearer?
When the wandering star came nearer and nearer the sun, the mountain on the surface of the sun rose higher and higher in size. It was, finally, exploded into pieces. This explosion took place due to powerful attraction between the sun and the wandering star.
4. What are planets and how did they come into existence?
Planets are heavenly bodies. They are broken pieces of the great mountain which was exploded on the surface of the sun. They came into existence due to this explosion. These pieces began to move round the sun ever since. Our earth is also one of them.