Physics MCQ

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Q. In Celsius scale, the temperature “Absolute zero” is equivalent to
(A) –273 °C
(B) 0 °C
(C) 100 °C
(D) 273 °C

The answer is: (A) –273 °C ☑

Q. The minimum speed required to leave the planet Earth (Escape Velocity) is _____ kilometer per hour.
(A) 20,000
(B) 30,000
(C) 40,000
(D) 50,000

The answer is: (C) 40,000 ☑

Q. Which metal is is vital and widely used in electricity industry?
(A) Iron
(B) Copper
(C) Graphite
(D) Lead

The answer is: (B) Copper ☑

Physics MCQs

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