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FPSC Patrol Officer Test → National Highways Safety Ordinance, 2000 MCQs, Multiple Choce Questions and Answers
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1. The minimum age to be eligible to drive on a national highway is _____ years.
(A) 16
(B) 18
(C) 21
(D) 23
2. “Government” in the National Highways Safety Ordinance 2000 means
(A) federal government
(B) local government
(C) provincial government
(D) NHA Authority
3. The total weight of a vehicle is known as
(A) axle weight
(B) laden weight
(C) distributed weight
(D) undistributed weight
4. The weight of the vehicle as loaded with the crew and passengers and the load carried on it is known as
(A) axle weight
(B) laden weight
(C) distributed weight
(D) undistributed weight
5. A vehicle is considered a “heavy transport vehicle” if its axle weight exceeds
(A) 2000 kg
(B) 3000 kg
(C) 4000 kg
(D) 5000 kg
1. (B) 18
2. (A) federal government
3. (A) axle weight
4. (B) laden weight
5. (D) 5000 kg