Economics Lecturer Test Sample Paper

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FPSC Lecturer Test → 1. English Section 2. Subject Section 3. Education Section

FPSC Economics Lecturer Test → Economics Lecturer Test Sample Paper Questions from 41 to 50

Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

41. All of the following could reduce waste, except
(A) Introducing a landfill tax
(B) Providing less information
(C) Taxing rubbish bags
(D) Reducing packaging on products

42. It is reasonable to expect students or their families to contribute to their tuition fees at university because
(A) It will provide the universities with more revenue
(B) The State should not contribute to their fees
(C) The cost of education continuously rises
(D) The average university student derives private benefit

43. Government intervention to correct a market failure will be inefficient if
(A) The cost of implementation is greater than the benefit
(B) It causes unemployment
(C) Businesses have to close
(D) Anyone loses from their actions

44. Highly unstable agricultural prices are often caused by
(A) Governments buying up stock
(B) The price mechanism working effectively
(C) Supply shocks like diseases
(D) Highly elastic demand and supply

45. Buffer stocks can be criticised for all of the following, except
(A) They need a good harvest to start
(B) Not all goods can be stored
(C) They cost money to manage
(D) They can help stabilise prices

46. To determine the correct level of GNP, it is necessary to
(A) add up the values of goods and services during one year
(B) add up all savings
(C) count all imports
(D) add up the value of semi finished goods

47. Transfer payment means
(A) Bank loans
(B) The payment without work
(C) Text payments
(D) Payments made to all factors of production

48. If we compare GDP and GNP, then
(A) GNP = GDP – net income from abroad
(B) GNP = GDP + net income from abroad
(C) GNP = NNP – net income from abroad
(D) GNP = NNP + net income from abroad

49. A TV set purchased from a retail store is an example of
(A) Intermediate goods
(B) Capital goods
(C) Surplus goods
(D) Final goods

50. Net Investment is
(A) Gross Investment minus household Investment
(B) Gross Investment minus government taxes
(C) Gross investment minus capital consumption allowance
(D) None of the above

41. (B)
42. (D)
43. (A)
44. (C)
45. (D)
46. (A)
47. (B)
48. (B)
49. (D)
50. (C)