Current Affairs MCQs for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC Test

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Current Affairs MCQs for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC Test

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31. Which country has the largest gas reserves?
(A) Pakistan
(B) Saudi Arabia
(C) Russia
(D) None of these

32. The Suez Canal connects the
(A) Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea
(B) Pacific and Atlantic Ocean
(C) Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
(D) None of these

33. How many member states are there in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)?
(A) 57
(B) 58
(C) 59
(D) None of these

34. The number of European Union (EU) member states is
(A) 26
(B) 27
(C) 28
(D) None of these

35. The “Cold War” period between Soviet Union and the United States and their particular allies was
(A) 1947–1991
(B) 1945–1989
(C) 1962–1991
(D) None of these

31. (C) Russia
32. (C) Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
33. (A) 57
34. (B) 27 [UK has left the EU, now there are 27 members]
35. (A) 1947–1991