Atmosphere | Environment | Meteorology
Q. The science of clouds and its formation is known as
(A) cloudology
(B) fulminology
(C) electeorology
(D) nephology
The answer is: (D) nephology
The science of clouds and its formation is known as nephology.
Meteorology MCQs
- Which instrument is used to measure wind speed?
- In a very low temperature which of the following will freeze at last?
- The science of clouds and its formation is known as
- Fog is formed when water vapors
- The tropical areas are the region of the earth around the
- Earth’s equatorial diameter is larger than its pole-to-pole diameter by
- The season(s) in the tropical climate is/are
- Equator passes through which of the following country?
- Most of the commercial airplanes fly in the _____ part of the _____.
- The International Space Station (ISS) orbits in which layer of the Earth’s atmosphere?
- The International Space Station orbits at an average altitude of _____ kilometre from the surface of the Earth.
- Which imaginary line divides the Earth into the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres?
- Ocean currents are directional movements of
- Meteorology is the study of
- Wind is caused by
- The science of lightning is known as
- Meteorology MCQs Quiz Test Questions with Answers