Science Quiz Page-52

Science Quiz from 256 to 260

Page: 1 | 2 .. 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55

256. The exchange of chromosal segments i.e.crossing over occurs during
(A) first meiotic division
(B) mitotic division
(C) second meiotic division
(D) none of these

257. Many bacteria in our digestive system synthesize vitamins for example vitamin
(A) B1
(B) B2
(C) B12
(D) B6

258. It is very serious disease of brain which is caused by fungi
(A) ring worm
(B) meningitis
(C) hepatitis
(D) none of these

259. They are widespread as protective coatings on fruits and leaves
(A) cholesterol
(B) waxes
(C) chitin
(D) all of these

260. Which from the following are present in the underground parts of the plants and stored food
(A) leucoplast
(B) chromoplast
(C) chloroplast
(D) stem

256. (A) first meiotic division
257. (C) B12
258. (B) meningitis
259. (B) waxes
260. (A) leucoplast