SAT | SAT Math | Math Level-1 | Math Level-2
SAT Math Level 2 is for students seeking admission in Engineering, Mathematics or Science programs. Students can consult colleges (their websites) to determine which type of SAT Mathematics Subject Test (Level 1 or Level 2) is required.
— SAT Math Level-2 Sample Paper
SAT Math Level 2 Test Format
- Number of Questions: 50
- Time Allowed: 1 hour
- Test Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
All questions have five answer choices.
Syllabus: SAT Math Level 2
Number and operations (10%–14%)
- Operations, ratio and proportion, complex numbers, counting, elementary number theory, matrices, sequences, series, vectors
Algebra and functions (48%–52%)
- Expressions, equations, inequalities, representation and modeling, properties of functions (linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, periodic, piecewise, recursive, parametric)
Geometry and measurement (48%–52%)
1. Coordinate (10%–14%):
Lines, parabolas, circles, ellipses, hyperbolas, symmetry, transformations, polar coordinates
2. Three-dimensional (4%–6%):
Solids, surface area and volume (cylinders, cones, pyramids, spheres, prisms), coordinates in three dimensions
3. Trigonometry (12%–16%):
Right triangles, identities, radian measure, law of cosines, law of sines, equations, double angle formulas
Data analysis, statistics, and probability (8%—12%)
- Mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range, standard deviation, graphs and plots, least squares regression (linear, quadratic, exponential), probability