Mustafa Kamal Questions

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English Notes → Mustafa Kamal Questions

by Wilfrid F.Castle

7. How did Mehmet try to regain Anatolia for himself?
Mehmet tried to use tricks to regain Anatolia. He tried to trap Mustafa Kamal and his followers. He invited patriots to join his new government in the capital.

8. Why did his plan fail?
His plan failed because Mustafa Kamal knew his cleverness and did not join his government. He stayed in Anatolia and continued to struggle against the Allies. Therefore, his plan failed badly.

9. What were the terms offered to Turkey by the Allies?
In May 1920, the Allies published their terms. These terms were very dangerous and insulting for Turkey. It was a plan to break Turkey to pieces. All Arab provinces were to be Mandated territories. The whole of Eastern Anatolia was to be added to the state of Armenia, Cicilia was to go to France & the Ottoman capital was to be under the control of Britain, France and Italy.

10. Give an account of the Greek attack & its defeat.
On August 21, 1921, the Greeks attacked the Turkish patriots. Both the nations fought bravely. This battle took place in the hilly area above the Sakarya River. It continued for fourteen days. At last, the Greeks were defeated and the Turks won the battle.

11. Give an account of the departure of Mehmet from Istanbul.
The end of Mehmet was very shameful. The Turks hated him. He was now ruler of his palace only. He requested the British government to save him. At last, an ambulance came to take him and he left his country for good.

Question No: 12 and 13