FPSC Senior Auditor Test Past Papers Solved MCQs Questions with Answers

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FPSC Senior Auditor Test → FPSC Senior Auditor Test Past Papers Solved MCQs Questions with Answers.

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

6. A company is owned by its
(A) directors
(B) managers
(C) shareholders
(D) employs

7. Shares of listed companies are traded in the
(A) stock exchange
(B) option market
(C) future exchange
(D) none of these

8. What from the following is an integral part of business?
(A) Profit
(B) Risk
(C) Certainty
(D) Profit and Risk

9. A company sold goods of worth Rs.1 million, the manufacturing cost of the goods were Rs.600,000. The transport used in the sale cost Rs.100,000 and the wages paid during the process of sale were also Rs.100,000. What is the gross and net profit?
(A) Gross Profit = Rs.600,000 and Net Profit = Rs.400,000
(B) Gross Profit = Rs.400,000 and Net Profit = Rs.600,000
(C) Gross Profit = Rs.200,000 and Net Profit = Rs.400,000
(D) Gross Profit = Rs.400,000 and Net Profit = Rs.200,000

10. Every transaction has a _____ effect.
(A) zero
(B) single
(C) double
(D) triple

6. (C) shareholders
7. (A) stock exchange
8. (B) Risk
9. (D) Gross Profit = Rs.400,000 and Net Profit = Rs.200,000
10. (C) double. Next: Questions 11–15