End of Term Questions

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English Notes → End of Term Questions

by David Daiches

4. How did he spend his summer holidays?
His summer holidays were quite attractive and charming for him. He spent his summer holidays in enjoyment. He used to visit historical places. He also ran across meadows and trees.

5. Wishes do not come true in this life, writes Daiches. What are the things he longed for but could not have?
There were many wishes of the writer that remained unfulfilled. He wanted to eat sweets and ice cream but he had no money. He wanted to purchase a tricycle but he could not afford it because his parents were poor.

6. What did he do with his pocket money?
The writer belonged to a poor family. He used to save his pocket money into a money box. He used to spend it on Christmas. That is how he fulfilled his innocent wishes.

Question No: 1, 2 & 3