Basic Math MCQs

Mathematics → Basic Math MCQs

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31. 1, 2, 5, 14, __________?
(A) 38
(B) 39
(C) 40
(D) 41

32. The value of the function f(x)=x^2-6x+7 at x=2 is?
(A) 1
(B) –1
(C) 2
(D) –2

33. -4^2+(-4)^2=?
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 32
(D) –32

34. What is the sum of the first 12 numbers of the series: 2 , 6, 10, 14, …. ?
(A) 260
(B) 268
(C) 280
(D) 288

35. What is the inverse of the function f(x)=2x-3
(A) 3-2x
(B)  1-2x
(C)  2x-1
(D)  \frac{x+3}{2}

31. (D) 41
32. (B) –1
33. (A) 0
34. (D) 288
35. (D)  \frac{x+3}{2}


31. D

32. B

33. A

34. D This is an arithmetic sequence with common difference of 4. The first element is 2, and total elements are 12. So, a1 = 1, d = 3 and n = 12. So, by using the formula of nth term of an arithmetic sequence, first we will find the 12th term

Now, by using the formula for the sum of n elements of an arithmetic sequence, we have

35. D

NEXT: Math Questions 36–40