
Sociology | Mercantile Law | International Law | International Relations

It won’t be wrong to say that, statelessness is a curse for the international law. A person who is national of none of the states cannot enjoy the rights conferred upon him by the international law. Statelessness was defined in the holding of a case, ‘Stoeck v. The Public Trustee’; “If a person is not a citizen of any state, he will be called stateless and this conditions is to be called ‘statelessness'”.

International Community where held a number of conventions to regulate nationality, also worked to discourage statelessness. ‘Convention of Status of Refugees – 1951 and Status of Stateless Persons – 1954’ are among the prominent endeavors made to check this practice. States have been asked to hesitate from depriving a person from his nationality and if deprived then the other states should liberally grant him nationality.