Science Quiz Page-38

Science Quiz from 186 to 190

Page: 1 | 2 .. 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40

186. Battery charger converts electrical energy into ______ energy.
(A) Kinetic
(B) Potential
(C) Chemical
(D) Nuclear

187. A loudspeaker changes ______ energy into sound energy.
(A) Chemical
(B) Electrical
(C) Light
(D) Kinetic

188. The strongest part(s) of a magnet is/are
(A) North pole
(B) South pole
(C) North and south pole
(D) Median of north and south pole

189. Electromagnetic induction was discovered by
(A) Nicolas Carnot
(B) Alessandro Volta
(C) Michael Faraday
(D) Friedrich Bessel

190. Battery was invented by
(A) Nicolas Carnot
(B) Alessandro Volta
(C) Michael Faraday
(D) Friedrich Bessel

186. (C) Chemical
187. (B) Electrical
188. (C) North and south pole
189. (C) Michael Faraday
190. (B) Alessandro Volta