Science Quiz Page-36

Science Quiz from 176 to 180

Page: 1 | 2 .. 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40

176. Which from the following has the greatest ionizing power?
(A) Alpha particles
(B) Beta particles
(C) Gamma rays
(D) All three has same ionizing power

177. Which from the following has the greatest penetrating power?
(A) Alpha particles
(B) Beta particles
(C) Gamma rays
(D) All three have same penetrating power

178. Which from the following has the greatest speed?
(A) Alpha
(B) Beta
(C) Gamma
(D) None of these

179. At night
(A) The land cools faster than the water in the sea
(B) The water in the sea cools faster than the land
(C) The land and the water in the sea cools together
(D) None of these

180. The chemical name of chalk is
(A) Sodium nitrate
(B) Zinc sulfate
(C) Sulphuric acid
(D) Calcium carbonate

176. (A) Alpha particles
177. (C) Gamma rays
178. (C) Gamma
179. (A) The land cools faster than the water in the sea
180. (D) Calcium carbonate