Home: Chemistry MCQs
Q. The best soil pH value for most crops and plants is
(A) 4.5
(B) 5.5
(C) 6.5
(D) 7.5
The answer is: (C) 6.5 ☑
Q. __________ are biological catalysts.
(A) Enzymes
(B) Minerals
(C) Proteins
(D) Vitamins
The answer is: (A) Enzymes ☑
Q. The most abundant constituent in Air is
(A) Oxygen
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Carbondioxide
(D) Nitrogen
The answer is: (D) Nitrogen ☑
Q. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of
(A) Protons
(B) Electrons
(C) Neutrons
(D) Positron
The answer is: (C) Neutrons ☑
Q. Over __________ of the elements in the Periodic Table are Metals.
(A) 60%
(B) 65%
(C) 70%
(D) 75%
The answer is: (D) 75% ☑