Preposition MCQs Quiz Test Questions with Answers

Preposition MCQs Quiz Test Questions with Answers. Preposition Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and Answers Test.

Preposition MCQs

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1. Solar energy is _____ expensive to be used widely.
(A) so
(B) such
(C) too
(D) that

2. This bank branch is open _____ eight _____ five.
(A) by, until
(B) from, to
(C) between, or
(D) during, till

3. He came _____ the room and jumped _____ the swimming pool.
(A) out, in
(B) out, into
(C) out of, into
(D) out of, in

4. She bought some pictures when she was _____ holiday _____ December, and now she is going to hang them _____ the wall.
(A) in, in, along
(B) on, for, on
(C) on, in, along
(D) on, in, on

5. Emily is falling _____ the horse.
(A) off
(B) from
(C) above
(D) of

1. (C) too
2. (B) from, to
3. (C) out of, into
4. (D) on, in, on
5. (A) off. Next: Preposition MCQs 6–10