First deserve then desire

Write a comprehensive note (250 – 300 words) on “First deserve then desire”.
Write an essay on “First deserve then desire”.

First deserve then desire is a well-known English saying which shows how the way to glory and success can be paved by having certain abilities and capabilities.

It is a fact that a man can’t get what he wants just by day-dreaming and building castles in the air. For his lofty ideals and goals, a man has to put his abilities into practice and strive to go extra mile to realize his cherished dreams. A life spent mere by words and not by productive deeds is worthless and such a person may have many desires, wishes and ambitions but he can’t realize his dreams into reality simply because he does not toil to realize his ambitions into reality and does not deserve the glory and success attached to his ambitions.

History bears ample witness to the fact that all the great men who left a deep mark and influence on the world were men of actions. They practically did what they said and meant. In other words, they deserved the status they got through their untiring efforts and struggles. It is said that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. If we go through the pages of history, it will be found that all the great men worked extremely hard to translate their ideals into reality. It would be pertinent to mention here the examples of some great men who truly deserved the status and honour the world accorded to them.

To begin with, Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), who was 16th President of the United States, was born to a poor farmer. He toiled extremely hard to deserve this status. He faced many ups and downs in his life. He played a key role in preserving the unity of America during its bloody civil war and ended slavery. He modernized and developed America.

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the second World War, could not pass the entrance examination to Harrow Public School when he was barely ten or eleven years old. He disliked the exams as most of the students tend to dislike exams. But, soon, he developed passion for education and utilized his potential to become a great writer and politician. He was famous for his inspiring speeches the world over and remained undaunted even in tense situations. He, too, deserved this status because he burnt the midnight oil to get this position.

Another iconic figure of history is Nelson Mandela (1918-2013). He was the 1st President of South Africa. He is known for Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa. He remained incarcerated for 27 years but he did not budge even an inch from his goal to liberate his nation and end racial segregation. He, too, deserved this status to be an iconoclast in the annals of history against apartheid.

Hence, it is proved that a person aspiring to get high position in society and to make his dreams come true must leave no stone unturned to work hard to deserve what he desires to become.