Table and Query

Name the different data types available in MS-Access for storing data.

Different data types available in MS-Access are as follows:

  • Text
  • Memo
  • Number
  • Date/ Time
  • Currency
  • AutoNumber
  • Yes/No
  • OLE Object
  • Hyper Link

Write a detailed note on Queries and Reports.

A query is a statement that extracts specific information from database. Queries are used to retrieve data from database. Data is retrieved according to the given criteria of user. It is a more flexible way of selecting, filtering and sorting records. The most commonly used query language is SQL. A query retrieves data from the database and displays it in the form of table. The user can also change data in the database by using queries. Queries can also be used to perform calculations on different fields. A query is used to view and analyze data in many ways.

Reports are the outputs of database application. Reports are used to retrieve and present data in a formatted way. The information on reports is arranged in different ways. A report may also contain graphs, charts and tables etc. The user can generate different types of reports by manipulating database. Reports are very important in making key decisions. The user can print reports to send them to different people. The output of a query can also be used as source for reports.