Machine Language

(a) Write a short note on machine language.

It is a low level language in which instructions are written in binary form. It is the native language of the computer and directly understood by the computer. A program written in machine language can be executed very fast because computer does not need any translator to understand this language. The program written in machine language are machine-dependent. Every computer has its own machine language.

(b) Write any three characteristics of High Level languages.

Some important characteristics of High-level languages are as follows:

Easy to Learn
The high Level Languages are close to human languages. This makes the high level languages easy to learn and use.

Easy Error Detection
High level languages are very easy to read and modify. In case of errors, it is very easy to detect (or find) and remove errors in the Program.

Machine Independence
The program written in High Level Language is machine independent. It means that a program written or compiled on one type of Computer can be executed on another different type of Computers.

(c) What is meant by Machine independence?

Machine independence means that programs written in one language can be executed in different types of computers. For example, a program written in C can be executed on Intel processors and Motorola processors.