International Customs

Sociology | Mercantile Law | International Law | International Relations

Though in the modern times customs have faced a setback but still its importance as an earliest source of international law is prevailing.

Literal meaning of custom can be taken as ‘a habitual practice or usage observed continuously’.


  • Austin
    According to Austin, “Custom is a rule of conduct which the governed observes continuously; not in pursuance of law set by a political superior.”
  • Professor Carter
    “Custom is the uniformity of conduct of all persons under like circumstances.”

Custom and Usage
Starke said; “Usage is the early stage of custom. Where a custom begins, usage ends there. It is international habit of action that has yet not received full legal attestation.”

In simpler terms; when a state start behaving in a same manner under like circumstances, a usage emerges. But there is no rule to determine the stage at which usage gets converted to custom.

Validity of Custom
A custom is valid if it carries the following attributes;

  • Reasonableness
  • Conformity with Statute Law
  • Conformity with Public Opinion
  • Observed as a Right
  • Immemorial Antiquity
  • Continuously in Practice
  • Certain and Definite
  • Peaceable Enjoyment