Degree of Intensity

Degree of Intensity

Analogies: Degree of Intensity

Degree of Intensity Definition / Meaning
LUKEWARM : BOILING Lukewarm is less extreme than boiling
FOND : DOTING Fond (Liking something) is less extreme than Doting (extremely fond of something)
FLURRY : BLIZZARD Flurry (shower) is less extreme than blizzard (snowstorm/ice storm)
GRASPING : RAPACIOUS Grasping (greedy) is less extreme than Rapacious (extremely greedy)
GLINT : LIGHT Glint (small flashes of light) is less extreme than Light
WHIFF : SCENT Whiff (smelled briefly) is less extreme than Scent (smell)
AMUSING : UPROARIOUS Amusing (funny) is less extreme than Uproarious (very funny)
DISAGREEABLE : REPUGNANT Disagreeable is less extreme than Repugnant (extremely disagreeable)
SELF-RESPECTING : VAINGLORIOUS Self-respecting is less extreme than Vainglorious (excessively proud)
CAREFUL : PUNCTILIOUS Careful is less extreme than Punctilious (excessively careful/attentive)