Computer Quiz Page-28

Computer Quiz from 136 to 140

Page: 2 .. 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30

136. In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed ?
(A) Parallel
(B) Sequentially
(C) Both A and B
(D) Randomly

137. Web pages are linked together using ?
(B) Hyperlinks
(C) Interlinks
(D) None of these

138. A CPU with 32-bit Address Bus can address a memory of ?
(A) 4 KB
(B) 4 GB
(C) 8 KB
(D) 8 GB

139. In BASIC, LEFT(A$,n) is used to ?
(A) Leave n spaces before the strung A$
(B) Leave n spaces before every character of the strung A$
(C) Leave n left characters of the strung A$
(D) Select n characters of the strung A$

140. In BASIC, RETURN statement passes control back to ?
(A) GOSUB statement
(B) Next to GOSUB statement
(C) Beginning of the program
(D) The statement before GOSUB

136. (C) Both A and B
137. (B) Hyperlinks
138. (B) 4 GB
139. (D) Select n characters of the strung A$
140. (B) Next to GOSUB statement