Computer Quiz Page-26

Computer Quiz from 126 to 130

Page: 2 .. 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30

126. The format specifier %u is used for?
(A) integer
(B) unsigned short
(C) unsigned float
(D) unsigned long int

127. Which of the following objects are used to store data in MS Access?
(A) Reports
(B) Queries
(C) Forms
(D) Table

128. Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer?
(A) Binary
(B) Decimal
(C) Hexadecimal
(D) Octal

129. Operating system, editors, and debuggers comes under?
(A) System software
(B) Application software
(C) Utilities
(D) None of these

130. When did John Napier develop logarithm?
(A) 1416
(B) 1614
(C) 1641
(D) 1804

126. (B) unsigned short
127. (C) Forms
128. (A) Binary
129. (A) System software
130. (B) 1614