Baluchistan’s Peaceful solution through dialogue

No doubt, the Chinese would pay attention to the security issues within Pakistan, it’s hard to improve the infrastructure in the country with no help from the West and the US. Keeping a large defense budget may not help to solve poverty related issues, so Pakistan has no choices but to make peace with neighbours specially India and Afghanistan for better economic reasons. Mr. Sharif’s vision and leadership have realized that the Baluch insurgency has multifacrorial reasons. He understand that if the security is better in the country and Chinese invest heavily, the resulting prosperity will address their grievances, as continued low-level insurgency is in nobody’s interest.

After winning the election in 2013, prime minister Nawaz Sharif is trying to encourage Baloch moderates and helped them to make the provincial government and started a dialogue with the rebels. But the new government has found it difficult to persuade the security forces to curb their excesses. It is widely observed that although there has been a pause in the extrajudicial killing and dumping of the dead bodies of suspected militants, the problem of “forced disappearances” continues. It is expected that the army may support a political dialogue for a few more months, after which it will fight the militants as fighting Zarb-e-Azb in FATA.

Many Pakistanis believe the CPEC will boost Balochistan’s economy and thus may help to restore stability. If confidence is not restored, much of the business it generates is likely to edge most of Balochistan and would move to less-troubled Punjab. Baloch politicians believe the Punjabi establishment is hoping for just that outcome. A notable recent development was a declaration of Brahamdagh Bugti on BBC interview, where he hinted a peaceful solution to the Baluch grievances. Brahamdagh Bugti is one of the leaders of the separatist movements, the grandson of the late Nawab Akbar Bugti, and the most radical separatist.