Who is behind Baluchistan’s deadly unrest?

Both, Pakistan’s political administration and security agencies blame Indian and Afghan intelligence agencies for the unrest in Baluchistan to disrupt peace in the province that is denied by both Baloch rebel leaders and New Delhi. Pakistan establishment also claimed to have foiled some foreign supported terrorism plots on several occasions. Pakistan has raised the issue of Indian involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan at the international level in UNO and during the recent visit of Nawaz Sharif to the USA.

Although, Rebel leader Dr. Allah Nazar, operating in Balochistan, rejects any claim of foreign support for his movement, he said he will welcome outside help from any country, either India or America. On the other hand, Chief Minister of Balochistan Dr. Abdul Malik has a slightly different stance. He doesn’t entirely rule out foreign involvement but emphasizes that former military ruler Pervez Musharraf is responsible for the current turmoil and insists Musharraf’s policies deteriorated the situation. Malik says the issues may not be resolved through investment alone, but will only be fixed when locals are empowered, unemployment and poverty ratios are decreased.