When sound is reflected from floor, ceiling or a wall, it mixes with the original sound and changes its complexion, it is called as:

(A) Sound
(B) Echo
(C) Reverberation
(D) Noise

Q. The process of reducing the level of reverberation in a sound or signal is:
(A) Dereverberation
(B) Antireverberation
(C) Unreverberation
(D) None of these

Q. A reflection of sound that arrives at the listeners with a delay after the direct sound is called:
(A) Noise
(B) Echo
(C) Reverberation
(D) None of these

1. (C) Reverberation
2. (A) Dereverberation
3. (B) Echo

The magnet always points in the same direction, if allowed to move freely i.e. towards North and South poles, because of:

(A) Gravitational field
(B) A lot of metal deposits on North and South Poles
(C) Due to attraction of North Pole and repulsion of Western Pole
(D) Earth is a huge magnet

Q. Materials that can be magnetized which are also the ones that are strongly attracted to a magnet are called:
(A) Ferromagnetic
(B) Magnetized
(C) Electromagnetic
(D) None of these

Q. A vector that characterizes the magnet’s overall magnetic properties is called:
(A) Magnetic field
(B) Magnetic Moment
(C) Polarity
(D) None of these

1. (D) Earth is a huge magnet
2. (A) Ferromagnetic
3. (B) Magnetic Moment

The unit of home electricity energy consumption is:

(A) Watt hour
(B) Kilowatt hour
(C) Joule hour
(D) Kilojoule hour

Q. The Kilowatt hour is a unit of energy equal to ______ megajoules. 
(A) 3.6
(B) 4.6
(C) 5.6
(D) 6.6

Q. The derived unit of energy within the International System of Units (SI) is:
(A) watt
(B) joule
(C) kilojoule
(D) None of these

1. (B) Kilowatt hour
2. (A) 3.6
3. (B) joule

An electric current can produce:

(A) Chemical effect
(B) Magnetic effect
(C) Heating effect
(D) All of these three

Q. The SI unit of electric current is:
(A) Coulomb
(B) Ampere
(C) Joule
(D) None of these

Q. The SI unit of electric charge is:
(A) Coulomb
(B) Ampere
(C) Joule
(D) None of these

1. (D) All of these three
2. (B) Ampere
3. (A) Coulomb

The two most abundant elements in sea water are:

(A) Sodium and Potassium
(B) Sodium and Calcium
(C) Sodium and Chlorine
(D) Chlorine and Iodine

Q. The speed of sound in sea water is about:
(A) 15,00 m/s
(B) 16,00 m/s
(C) 17,00 m/s
(D) 18,00 m/s

Q. Sea water PH is limited to the range:
(A) 5.5 to 6.4
(B) 6.5 to 7.4
(C) 7.5 to 8.4
(D) 8.5 to 9.4

1. (C) Sodium and Chlorine
2. (A) 15,00 m/s
3. (C) 7.5 to 8.4