The magnet always points in the same direction, if allowed to move freely i.e. towards North and South poles, because of:

(A) Gravitational field
(B) A lot of metal deposits on North and South Poles
(C) Due to attraction of North Pole and repulsion of Western Pole
(D) Earth is a huge magnet

Q. Materials that can be magnetized which are also the ones that are strongly attracted to a magnet are called:
(A) Ferromagnetic
(B) Magnetized
(C) Electromagnetic
(D) None of these

Q. A vector that characterizes the magnet’s overall magnetic properties is called:
(A) Magnetic field
(B) Magnetic Moment
(C) Polarity
(D) None of these

1. (D) Earth is a huge magnet
2. (A) Ferromagnetic
3. (B) Magnetic Moment