Cusec is a unit of:

(A) Area
(B) Time
(C) Distance
(D) None of these

Q. Cusec is informal shorthand for:
(A) Cubic meters per second
(B) Cubic feet per second
(C) Cubic square per second
(D) None of these

Q. Cusec is used to measure:
(A) flow rate
(B) acceleration
(C) long distance
(D) None of these

1. (D) None of these [flow rate]
2. (B) Cubic feet per second
3. (A) flow rate

The Continent Antarctica lies at the:

(A) North pole
(B) South pole
(C) Middle of earth
(D) Equator

Q. Antarctica is covered by ice by the percentage of:
(A) 68%
(B) 78%
(C) 88%
(D) 98%

Q. The longest river in Antarctica is:
(A) Onyx River
(B) Alph River
(C) Penguin River
(D) Aiken Creck

1. (B) South pole
2. (D) 98%
3. (A) Onyx River

Parsec is a unit of:

(A) Energy
(B) Time
(C) Power
(D) Distance

Q. What is the symbol of parec? 
(A) pa
(B) pc
(C) pr
(D) pe

Q. The parsec unit was first suggested by British astronomer:
(A) Herbert Hall Turner
(B) Paul Baize
(C) Jean Chazy
(D) Alexis Clairaut

1. (D) Distance
2. (B) pc
3. (A) Herbert Hall Turner

In winter an iron pipe feels colder than a wooden window. This is because wood is:

(A) Conductor
(B) Non-conductor
(C) Semi-conductor
(D) None of these

Q. Which of the following is a conductor?
(A) Plastic
(B) Rubber
(C) Iron
(D) wood

Q. A material having the conductivity value falling between that of a conduction and insulator is:
(A) Semi-conductor
(B) HTLS conductor
(C) Insulator
(D) None of these

1. (B) Non-conductor
2. (C) Iron
3. (A) Semi-conductor