Laughing gas has chemical composition of the following two elements which are:

(A) Nitrogen + Hydrogen
(B) Nitrogen + Carbon
(C) Nitrogen + Oxygen
(D) Oxygen + Carbon

Q. What is the chemical name of laughing gas?
(A) Nitrous oxide
(B) Nitric oxide
(C) Nitrogen dioxide
(D) None of these

Q. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) has significant medical uses, especially in:
(A) Surgery
(B) Dentistry
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of these

1. (C) Nitrogen + Oxygen
2. (A) Nitrous oxide
3. (C) Both A & B

Cobalt is a metal which is:

(A) Strongly attracted by a magnet
(B) Not attracted by a magnet
(C) Not a magnet
(D) Weakly attracted by a magnet

Q. Cobalt is a chemical element with the symbol Co, it’s atomic number is:
(A) 17
(B) 27
(C) 37
(D) 47

Q. Cobalt is the active center of a group of coenzymes called:
(A) Cobaltimins
(B) Cobalium
(C) Cobalamins
(D) None of these

1. (A) Strongly attracted by a magnet
2. (B) 27
3. (C) Cobalamins

Which of the following is a form of sexual reproduction?

(A) Hermaphroditism
(B) Fission
(C) Fragmentation
(D) Budding

Q. Which of the following is a form of asexual reproduction?
(A) Hermaphroditism
(B) Allogamy
(C) Autogamy
(D) Fission

Q. Each human cell contains _______ chromosomes.
(A) 36
(B) 46
(C) 56
(D) 66

1. (A) Hermaphroditism
2. (D) Fission
3. (B) 46

Which of the following is an organic molecule needed by the body in small amounts?

(A) Protein
(B) Vitamin C
(C) Zinc
(D) Monosaccharide

Q. The simplest form of sugar and the most basic unit of carbohydrates, also known as simple sugar:
(A) Monosaccharides
(B) Chlorine
(C) Fluoride
(D) None of these

Q. The most important monosaccharide, glucose is a:
(A) Tetrose
(B) Pentose
(C) Hexose
(D) Heptosell

1. (D) Monosaccharide
2. (A) Monosaccharides
3. (C) Hexose

In humans, most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the:

(A) Stomach
(B) Liver
(C) Small Intestine
(D) Large Intestine

Q. The small Intestine is divided into _______ structural parts. 
(A) three
(B) four
(C) five
(D) six

Q. What is the name of midsection of the small intestine?
(A) Duodenum
(B) Jejunum
(C) Ileum
(D) None of these

1. (C) small intestine
2. (A) three
3. (B) Jejunum