Which rocks are formed by the alteration of pre-existing rocks by great heat or pressure?

(A) Igneous rocks
(B) Sedimentary rocks
(C) Metamorphic rocks
(D) Acid rocks

Q. The rock formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava is known as:
(A) Sedimentary rock
(B) Igneous rock
(C) Metamorphic rock
(D) Acid rocks

Q. Igneous rock is also known as:
(A) Magmatic rock
(B) Acid rock
(C) Basic rock
(D) Sedimentary rock

1. (C) Metamorphic rocks
2. (B) Igneous rock
3. (A) Magmatic rock

A unit of length equal to the average distance between the Earth and Sun is called:

(A) Light year
(B) Astronomical unit
(C) Parsec
(D) Parallax

Q. What is the symbol of Astronomical unit? 
(A) AU

Q. The light year is a unit of length used to express _______ distances.
(A) Levenshtein
(B) Lee
(C) Astronomical
(D) None of these

1. (B) Astronomical unit
2. (A) AU
3. (C) Astronomical

The instrument which is specially designed for recording earthquake wave is called seismograph which measures earthquake waves on a:

(A) Diatonic scale
(B) Fahrenheit scale
(C) Ritcher scale
(D) Celsius scale

Q. A device used for measuring wind speed and direction is called:
(A) Anemometer
(B) Hydrometer
(C) Ammeter
(D) None of these

Q. The instrument which is use to measure the current in a circuit is called:
(A) Anemometer
(B) Hydrometer
(C) Ammeter
(D) None of these

1. (C) Ritcher scale
2. (A) Anemometer
3. (C) Ammeter

A body can escape the gravitational pull of the earth if it is thrown up with a velocity of:

(A) 25 miles/sec
(B) 60 miles/sec
(C) 7 miles/sec
(D) 10 miles/sec

Q. Escape velocity is the speed at which the sum of an object’s kinetic energy and its gravitational potential energy is equal to:
(A) zero
(B) each other
(C) it’s speed
(D) None of these

Q. The simplest way of deriving the formula for escape velocity is to use conservation of:
(A) Electric Power
(B) Energy
(C) Speed
(D) None of these

1. (C) 7 miles/sec
2. (A) zero
3. (B) Energy

In winter an iron pipe feels colder than a wooden window. This is because wood is:

(A) Conductor
(B) Non-conductor
(C) Semi-conductor
(D) None of these

Q. Which of the following is a conductor?
(A) Plastic
(B) Rubber
(C) Iron
(D) wood

Q. A material having the conductivity value falling between that of a conduction and insulator is:
(A) Semi-conductor
(B) HTLS conductor
(C) Insulator
(D) None of these

1. (B) Non-conductor
2. (C) Iron
3. (A) Semi-conductor