Which one of the following is an alkali?

(A) Water
(B) Vinegar
(C) Lemon juice
(D) Slaked lime

Q. What is the chemical name of Slaked lime?
(A) Calcium Hydroxide
(B) Calcium Carbonate
(C) Calcium Dioxide
(D) None of these

Q. What is the chemical formula of Slaked lime?
(A) CaCl2
(B) Ca(OH)2
(C) CaCO2
(D) None of these

1. (D) Slaked lime
2. (A) Calcium Hydroxide
3. (B) Ca(OH)2

The temperature of liquid Nitrogen is:

(A) -32°C
(B) -80°C
(C) -100°C
(D) -196°C

Q. _______ is a cryogenic fluid that can cause rapid freezing on contact with living tissue.
(A) Liquid Nitrogen
(B) Liquid Air
(C) Liquid Hydrogen
(D) None of these

Q. What is the density of liquid air? 
(A) 770 kg/m³
(B) 870 kg/m³
(C) 970 kg/m³
(D) None of these

1. (D) -196°C
2. (A) Liquid Nitrogen
3. (B) 870 kg/m³

Boiling of an egg is a change which is:

(A) Physical
(B) Chemical
(C) Physiological
(D) Morphological

Q. Rusting of iron is an example of:
(A) Absorption
(B) Adsorption
(C) Oxidation
(D) Reduction

Q. Mixing acid and base is a change which is:
(A) Physical
(B) Chemical
(C) Physiological
(D) Morphological

1. (B) Chemical
2. (C) Oxidation
3. (B) Chemical

The building blocks of elements are called:

(A) Atoms
(B) Molecules
(C) Compounds
(D) Isotopes

Q. Who first gave the concept of ‘Atom’ ?
(A) Kapila
(B) Robert Edwards
(C) Kanada
(D) John Dalton

Q. Which of the following was the first organic compound to be synthesised in the laboratory?
(A) Citric acid
(B) Formic acid
(C) Lactose
(D) Urea

1. (A) Atoms
2. (D) John Dalton
3. (D) Urea