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Our group members include scientists, postdocs, and PhD students
Research Interest
Materials for photovoltaics and catalysis and their applications in sustainable development
Research Facilities
State-of-the-art research facilities
PhD and Postdoc positions are available time to time
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I am fond of sports, travel and photography
A few selected images and videosResearch Assistant position in Photovoltaic devices
A fully funded research assistant position is available in the area of photovoltaic device fabrication in the research group of Dr Muhammad Sohail within Energy centre at Qatar Environment and Energy Institute (QEERI) at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) in Qatar. The project is funded by QNRF-NPRP11S-1231-170150 grant for three years in collaboration with Prof. Mohammad. K. Nazeeruddin at EPFL Switzerland.
The Photovoltaic Energy Group at QEERI/HBKU is offering a Research Associate position for one year extendable up to three years on the fabrication and characterisation of stable perovskite solar cells (PSC) device. The group is expert on the synthesis of materials and their application of perovskite solar cells; our objectives are highly focused on the stability of the PSC devices.
This research project is part of the research programme of the QEERI Focus Group 'Next generation emerging/disruptive photovoltaics technologies' at the QEERI/HBKU. The project aims at the development of novel materials, semiconductors and interfaces to address stability in the perovskite thin-film PV technology.
Eligible applicants are required to have a PhD either in physical chemistry, and or material science. Preference will be given to fresh PhD with a track record of publication in the perovskite solar cell devices and optoelectronics or directly related fields.
The main tasks include synthesis of materials (oxides, perovskites), precursor ink-development, characterisation and stability of thin film and fabrication of perovskite solar cell devices.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including the ability to write for publication in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, are expected.
Send your cover letter with a CV as a single file at msohail@hbku.edu.qa. If you don’t hear within two weeks of application means your application is unsuccessful.
The position will start from April 2019, depending on the availability of the funds and remains open until filled.