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Sociology → Introduction → Culture → Society
Society is the word extended from Latin word ‘Socius’ which gives the meanings of ‘togetherness and interaction’.
Society is often defined as a ‘web of social relationships where people are habitual of routinized social interaction and have different role to play’.
Society and Individual
An individual is a part of society. In words of Aristotle, ‘Man is a social animal’. It denotes the meaning that human beings are naturally inclined to establish and live in societies.
An individual takes birth in a society and is socialized all his life by different social agencies to make him adapt to the different social circumstances. Society shapes the individual preferences and his behavior patterns. The existence of society without individuals and a definite pattern of life for individuals without a society are impossible.
Characteristics of Society
A society is characterized by following important features:
- Groupings of individuals
- Common culture along with distinct sub-cultures
- Definite territory with fluid boundaries
- Common social practices
- Likeliness
- Cooperation and competition
- Common cultural norms and customs
- Mutual aid
- Interdependence of social animals
Next: Community