The Syllabus for Paper-II (Professional) for the posts of Principal, Headmaster or Headmistress Test in BS-18 by FPSC. For syllabus and test pattern of Paper-I (English) click here.
Max Marks: 100
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Part-I: 50 Marks
(Human Resource, Financial Management, Quality Management and Information Technology)
1. Human Resource and Financial Management
Definition, Significance and Scope of Human Resource Management; Organization-Types of Organization, Theory of Organization, Principles of Organization, Organization of the Federal and Provincial Governments, Public Sector Enterprises; Approaches to Human Resource Management. Personnel Administration-Tools of Personnel Management: Selection, Training, Promotion, Compensation, Discipline; Communication, Communication Channels and Principles of Public Relations; Human Behaviour and Organizations Administration. Elements of Financial Administration, Performance Programmed Budgeting, Capital Budget, Principles of Budgeting, Auditing and Accounting.
2. Basic Concept of Quality Management
ISO-9000, ISO-13000, other certifications regarding quality measurement; management, management for Results, Setting Performance Goals and Targets; Job Analysis: Job Description, Job Specification, Performance Evaluation.
3. Information Technology and MS Office
Fundamentals of Computer: CPU, Memory Devices, Types of Computers, Characteristics of Computer and related material; Application Software: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Excel; Search Engines, Web Design, Email, Internet Surfing, Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc); General Introduction to Virus and Antivirus utilities; Programming Languages.
PART-II Education Section (50 Marks)
1. Development of Curriculum and Instructional Material
- Elements of Curriculum
- Relationship of Education and Curriculum
- Curriculum Development Process: Need Assessment, Formulation of Aims and Objectives, Taxonomies of Educational Objectives, Selection of Content, Development of Curricular Materials.
2. Process of Teaching and Teaching Strategies
- Process of Classroom Communication
- Factors affecting Classroom Communication
- Barriers to Classroom Communications
- Use of Instructional Materials and Media
3. Educational Assessment and Evaluation
- Concept of Classroom Assessment and Evaluation
- Distinction between Assessment, Evaluation and Measurement
- Approaches to Evaluation: Formative Evaluation; Summative Evaluation
- Types of Test: Essay Type; Objective Type: Multiple Choice, True-False Items, Matching Type; Principles of Construction of these Test
- Characteristics of a Good Test: Validity, Reliability, Objectivity, Usability
4. Educational Administration and Supervision
- The Concept of Administration
- Educational Planning and Organization in Pakistan
- Approaches to Educational Administration: Democratic; Authoritarian; Laissezfaire
- Educational Supervision
5. Research Methods in Education
- Scientific Method and its Application in Education
- Sampling Techniques:
- Research Instruments: Questionnaire: Interview; Test; Observation; Rating Scale
- Type of Research: Basic/Applied Research; Historical Research; Descriptive Research; Correlation Research; Causal-Comparative Research; Experimental Research; Action Research; Qualitative and Quantitative Research
- Research Proposal and Report Writing