Difference between Mixture and Compound

Mixture and Compound

When two or more atoms or molecules combine together, they form Mixture.
For example, Alloys are mixture of two or more metals, so they contain two or more different types of atoms.

Other Differences:

  1. It can be separated by physical means.
  2. Its physical properties are intermediate between those of the substances in it.
  3. A mixture’s composition can vary.
  4. Its chemical properties are the result of the substances in the mixture.

When two or more elements chemically combine together, they form Compounds. Compounds are pure substances as they contain only one type of molecules, e.g. Water, Carbon dioxide.

Other Differences:

  1. It cannot be separated by physical means.
  2. Its physical properties are individual and not the result of its elements.
  3. A compound’s composition cannot vary.
  4. Its chemical properties are quite different from those of its elements.

Atomic Number and Mass Number
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