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Sociology → Introduction → Culture → Culture and Socialization
1. What is Socialization?
Socialization refers to the means of bringing the individuals into the social and cultural world thus making them social animal and a part of regular society.
2. Why Socialization is Necessary?
Socialization is inevitable because of the following reasons;
- Child requires to be socialized to make them a part of social environment
- Continuous dependence of children upon adults makes it necessary to socialize them
- For learning language, culture, skills and making oneself acquaint with the social setup
3. Link between Socialization and Culture
Socialization and culture are definitely linked in a sense that the former is a way to instruct the latter. Socialization is in fact a set of means and modes which enable an individual to learn the culture of a society he or she is part of.
Socialization and culture are dependent on each other. When one says that an individual is being socialized it does mean that that individual is being made familiar with the cultural norms, values and customs of his society.
4. Modes of Socialization
A. Formal Socialization
Formal socialization refers to the planned and organized ways of socializing an individual. This is done through proper institutions. For instance, early schooling of a child is a formal way to socialize him.
B. Informal Socialization
Informal socialization is unplanned. In this mode a family socializes its young ones with the traditions and customs it respects as part of its culture. A mother for example emerges to be a primary institute of socializing her child in an informal way. Similarly, the childhood friends, playgrounds and siblings all help in socializing the young one in an informal way.
5. What Agencies Socialize an Individual to Culture?
The agents which helps socialization of children to the culture include;
- Family
- School and other Educational Institutes
- Friends and Playmates
- Religious Seminaries
- Media
- State
6. What is taught in Socialization of Culture?
Socialization of culture actually teaches;
- Social customs
- Social norms
- Social ethics
- Social sanctions
- Social expectations
- Social behavior patterns
7. Conclusion
Socialization is inevitable for instructing culture not only to the young generation but also the elder one in process of re-socialization. Culture acts as the chief subject of socialization.