Balance of Power

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Balance of power is the classical realist concept that preserved peace of the pre – world wars world. It is concept that marks its practical implementation in 18th century. In the contemporary world, balance of power theory has little role to play but it cannot be ignored utterly due to its historic role. Even during the Cold War, a balance of power was present between the two Super Powers which prevented from escalation of any conflict to the total war.

Defining Balance of Power
It has been noted that unlike most of the topics of international relations which lack concrete definitions, ‘Balance of Power’ is actually the one which has multiple interpretations. In simple terms, Balance of Power refers to ‘the mechanism which the states adopt in order to maintain a certain level of equilibrium in their relative powers’.

Balance of Power as a General Social Principle
International Relations’ Realist Morgenthau see the ‘Balance of Power’ as a general social principle. According to this perspective, ‘Balance of Power’ exists among states just as it exists among individuals in society to maintain the social peace and equilibrium.

Pre – Requisites of ‘Balance of Power’
Balance of power requires following essentials;

  • Multiple nation states
  • International anarchy
  • Varying degrees of powers distributed among the states
  • Requirement for bringing an equilibrium

Tools of ‘Balance of Power’
Balance of power is not naturally present in the world order. It has to be achieved by the world states utilizing one or the other method. Some major tools or techniques of achieving balance of power are elaborated as following;

A. Alliances & Counter Alliances
This is the chief way to maintain or bring balance of power. In the 18th century world and also during the Cold War, balance of power was kept by establishing Alliances. A common example is ‘NATO’ & ‘Warsaw’ during the Cold War. Both the alliances, each led by rival superpower, maintained a level of balance between them.

B. Buffer States
These are the states which geographically work as barrier between two or more rivals. For instance, Afghanistan has been a buffer state between British held Indian colony and the Soviet Union. Similarly, Tibet served as buffer states between India and China.

C. Armament and Militarization
Armament and militarization by one nation leads the rival states to do the same. This maintains balance of power between them. India and Pakistan present this type of case. Both the states maintain a level of deterrence through militarization and nuclear armament.

D. Disarmament
During Cold War, particularly in its later part, rapid disarmament agreements were concluded between the US and the USSR. These agreements were like SALT, NPT at global level, etc. These helped to restore balance of power by reducing dreadful arms.

E. Intervention
Intervention is also an option to bring balance of power. The US & USSR’ interventions in Korean war, Vietnam war are its examples. Both the powers maintained balance of power between them by fighting proxy wars at foreign lands.