ASF Act 1975

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Inspector ASF Test → Airports Security Force (ASF) Act 1975 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Test with Answers from 26 to 30.

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26. The Federal Government can delegate his powers under ASF Act 1975 to
(A) Federal Minister Aviation Division
(B) Director General ASF
(C) Defence Minister
(D) Interior Minister

27. The Federal Government can delegate all of his powers under ASF Act 1975 to the Director General ASF EXCEPT
(A) power to make rules
(B) power to make regulations
(C) power to use arms and ammunition
(D) none of these

28. The Director General can delegate any of his powers under ASF Act 1975 to _____ with approval from Federal Government.
(A) higher authorities
(B) an officer of grade 20 or above
(C) his friend
(D) any officer or authority subordinate to him

29. Any order passed by any officer of the ASF which is authorized under the Pakistan Army Act 1952
(A) can be reviewed in high court
(B) can be reviewed in supreme court
(C) can be set aside by supreme court
(D) can be reviewed by Director General

30. If a member of ASF deserts, who will be requested to capture the deserter?
(A) Civil authorities
(B) Pakistan Army

26. (B) Director General ASF
27. (A) power to make rules
28. (D) any officer or authority subordinate to him
29. (D) can be reviewed by Director General
30. (A) Civil authorities